We have been holding them at noon on the second Tuesday of each month. We need to hear from all of you what day of the week and time of day works best for you or let us know if you don't find monthly calls helpful. Perhaps you would like to get your union updates in another way like by text, email or ODFW Local 109 Website? Please click this email link: odfwunionsteward@gmail.com and let us know what conference call day/time works best for you or the way you prefer receiving updates from us.
Below are the minutes from October's meeting. It was a short meeting, not many called in.
Meeting Start
Bylaws will be put on our website for everyone to review and we will vote on them likely in December.
Oregon paid family leave. Enacted by state legislature, not agency or DAS. SEIU asked to be involved with how it would be implemented but was denied.
Bargaining update.
- Want to get on top of data collection. When we ask for things, the state wants evidence or they say we don’t need it as their argument against.
- Seasonals: request for photos from field seasonals of clothes pre/post shift and/or season to support that we need larger gear budget for seasonals.
Labor Management Committee recap: Team building session. Housing discussion was pushed to next meeting, so was talking about recruitment and issues with people (mainly seasonals) finding housing. Please share your stories and difficulties with us so we can bring them up at the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned.